Apps App presents list of superheroes from official marvel site App presents list of superheroes from official marvel site 27 July 2022
Marvel A code challenge about use the Marvel API and make a App with list screen and detail screen A code challenge about use the Marvel API and make a App with list screen and detail screen. 18 June 2022
Marvel Marvel application to display characters, the MVP design pattern is used with RecyclerView in Fragments Marvel application to display characters, the MVP design pattern is used with RecyclerView in Fragments 02 June 2022
Marvel Paged list of characters from Marvel's API with their picture and name Paged list of characters from Marvel's API with their picture and name 21 May 2022
Marvel A Marvel App developed with kotlin that uses the Marvel API to list all the characters A Marvel App developed with kotlin that uses the Marvel API to list all the characters 19 February 2022
Marvel Sample app displaying data from the Marvel API Sample app displaying data from the Marvel API 22 January 2022
Marvel A simple application to display information about the characters of the Marvel universe A simple application to display information about the characters of the Marvel universe 12 January 2022
Marvel Android application architecture showcasing a list of Marvel characters Android application architecture showcasing a list of Marvel characters 28 October 2021
Apps App which show comic and characters using marvel apis App which show comic and characters using marvel apis 08 October 2021