NFC A Flutter plugin for Android for reading and writing NFC cards A Flutter plugin for Android for reading and writing NFC cards 27 May 2022
State Plugin for Android Studio, minimum required version 2021.2.1. Generating Bloc with Freezed states and events Plugin for Android Studio, minimum required version 2021.2.1. Generating Bloc with Freezed states and events. 13 May 2022
Apps Android plugin for displaying flutter app over other apps Android plugin for displaying flutter app over other apps 06 April 2022
Flutter A Flutter implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud for iOS and Android A Flutter implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud for iOS and Android 04 March 2022
Flutter A flutter plugin that allows setting up your flutter app to open files as default A flutter plugin that allows setting up your flutter app to open files as default 29 January 2022
Flutter Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for ESP-Touch protocol Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for ESP-Touch protocol 21 January 2022
Directory Create a parent directory for the project Create a parent directory for the project 10 January 2022
Kotlin Klutter: Flutter + Kotlin Multiplatform Klutter: Flutter + Kotlin Multiplatform 08 January 2022
Apps A Flutter plugin for displaying call screen when the app in the background or terminated A Flutter plugin for displaying call screen when the app in the background or terminated 08 January 2022
NFC A new flutter plugin to help developers looking to use internal hardware inside iOS or Android devices for reading and writing NFC tags A new flutter plugin to help developers looking to use internal hardware inside iOS or Android devices for reading and writing NFC tags 07 January 2022
Flutter An arcore flutter plugin on which i add some contribution based on my personal requirements and updated the code An arcore flutter plugin on which i add some contribution based on my personal requirements and updated the code 07 January 2022
Google Flutter Google One Tap Sign In (Android) Flutter Google One Tap Sign In (Android) 05 January 2022
Gallery A Flutter plugin that retrieves images and videos from mobile native gallery A Flutter plugin that retrieves images and videos from mobile native gallery 13 November 2021
Editor Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications Zefyr is currently in early preview. If you have a feature request or found a bug, please file it at the issue tracker. 18 July 2018
Images A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS supports cropping images A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS supports cropping images 18 July 2018
Flutter CryptoCurrency Tracker for Android & iOS built with flutter CryptoCurrency Tracker for Android & iOS Built with 14 July 2018
Drawer Implement Flutter Drawer on both side of the App bar Implement Flutter Drawer on both side of the App bar 06 July 2018
Material Design Flutter implementation of Google Mobile Vision Flutter implementation for Google Mobile Vision. 03 July 2018