Filter A file filter utility to replace placeholders A file filter utility to replace placeholders 23 May 2022
Filter A simple class to perform Kalman Filter operation A simple class to perform Kalman Filter operation 09 April 2022
Filter Filter url from browser by using accessibility service Filter url from browser by using accessibility service 29 January 2022
Json A demo project which demonstrates the work of javax.servlet.Filter capable of escaping / modifying / removing a part of JSON request A demo project which demonstrates the work of javax.servlet.Filter capable of escaping / modifying / removing a part of JSON request 18 January 2022
Apps A simple app which displays a list of restaurants from a stored JSON, ordered by opening status, favorites and filter chosen from the dropdown A simple app which displays a list of restaurants from a stored JSON, ordered by opening status, favorites and filter chosen from the dropdown 18 January 2022
Kotlin An example concepts of MVVM and Kotlin. Display, Filter & Sort the given restaurants from assets with Jetpack Compose and AAC An example concepts of MVVM and Kotlin. Display, Filter & Sort the given restaurants from assets with Jetpack Compose and AAC 20 December 2021