
simplistic, work in progress, command framework.


Platform Platform Class Name Help Template
bukkit BukkitCommandPlatform todo
kord todo todo
Command Wrapper Platform Class Name
annotation-based AnnotationCommandWrapper


def versionPlatform = "a92ba104e6"
def platforms = [

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

dependencies {
    platforms.forEach {
        implementation "com.github.devrawr.commands:${it}:${versionPlatform}"

Platform Initialization

fun main()
        .usePlatform<BukkitCommandPlatform> { // change this platform to whatever platform you're using 
            this.fallback = "hors"

Create Command

Annotation Based Command

Parent & sub-command

class TestCommand
    @Default // parent command, uses @Command parameter of parent class.
    fun default(player: Player, amount: Int)
        for (i in 0..amount)
            player.sendMessage("iteration $amount")
    @Command("subcommand|subcommandalias1") // subcommand of parent command
    fun subcommand(player: Player, message: Array<String>)
        player.sendMessage(message.joinToString(" "))

Several parent commands

class TestCommand
    @Command("name|alias1|alias2") // first parent command
    fun default(player: Player, amount: Int)
        for (i in 0..amount)
            player.sendMessage("iteration $amount")
    @Command("subcommand|subcommandalias1") // other parent command
    fun subcommand(player: Player, message: Array<String>)
        player.sendMessage(message.joinToString(" "))

Making command without annotations (untested)

fun main()
        name = "name|alias1|alias2",
        arguments = arrayOf(, Array<String>
    ) {
        val player = it[0] as Player
        val message = it[1] as Array<String>
        player.sendMessage(message.joinToString(" "))


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