Simple application showing wallets fetched from fake services.
User can filter wallets by currency types and click to enter a detail screen.
Dev Test
- Show a list of Currency Wallets (Icon, Symbol, balance).
As you can see there is a lot of code reuse, try to improve it
Cryptocoin and Metal are considered as Asset, Fiat and Asset are considered as Currency.
Each Currency has a Wallet, and you can have multiple Wallets per Currency.
a. for Metals show the name in the list eg.: “Gold”
b. do not show deleted wallets
c. Data should only be retrieved from the Repository
Sort the list by type : fiat, cryptocoins, metals and the balance of the wallet
Add a functionality to filter Currencies by type (a simple button which rotates the type is enough)
If you click on an entry open a simple DetailView where you show the price of the coin
a. use precision to format the price with correct amount of decimal places
b. Prices are euro prices -
Test your implementation with Unit Tests