Share and discover the best workout and diet plan on FitLink – the ultimate social platform for fitness enthusiasts.
How to Install:
Currently, this application can only run by installation using Android studio
- Star and Fork this repo.
- Go to android studio.
- Must check if you have linked your android studio with your github account.
- If you haven’t linked it yet, then follow this method.
- If you have, then Go to File -> New -> Project from Version Control -> Github
- There, you will all your repositories and just select the “FitLink” fork.
- Sync gradle and run the project.
Current Features:
- Login using Auht0
- Logout Auth0 account
- Create a new FitLink Post and upload to firebase
- Read all the posts from Firebase
- Navigate between different tabs
Technologies/Tools Used:
Future Upgrades/Want to:
This project is Open to contribute
- Implement Search tab
- Implement Bookmarks tab
- Implement Profile tab
- Search for different Users, diet and workout plans of user, plans based on categories.
- Fork(like github) other’s routine.
- Follow and alarms for routines
- Followers/Followings feature
- Create different type of posts like, diet post, normal post(like tweet/blog), etc.
- Get all posts of some user.
- Correct color pallete and complete TODOs.