Sh**t! I Smoke

Know how many cigarettes you smoke based on the pollution of your location.

app-store google-play

:iphone: Try it on Expo

This app is bootstrapped with Expo, you can download the Expo app on the App Store or Play Store, and enter the url provided below. We have 2 release channels:

Release Channel Version Description Url
Production v1.3.1 Same version as Sh**t! I Smoke on the App Store and Play Store.
Staging v1.4.0 Latest version currently in development: newest features, may contain bugs.

:hammer: Build it yourself

Before developing the app, you need to fetch your own API tokens for the following services:

Service Url Comments
World Air Quality Index Required.
Algolia Places (Get Started button on the bottom) Optional, lower API rates if not provided.
Google Maps for iOS Optional in development.
Google Maps for Android Optional in development.
Sentry Bug Tracking Optional.
Amplitude Analytics Optional. Note: we never track PII.

Then run the following commands:

git clone
cd shoot-i-smoke
yarn install

# Replace the API keys placeholders with your own tokens in app.json
# For the optional services you don't want to put an API key, put `undefined`
cp app.example.json app.json

yarn start

This app is created with Expo, using React Native. When you run yarn start, the Expo packager will show, and you can either:

  • install the Expo app, scan the displayed QR code, and run the app on your mobile phone directly.
  • open the Android simulator.
  • open the iOS simulator.

All the code lives in the App/ folder. The app itself is pretty small, so it should be fairly easy to navigate through the files.
