

A client-side Fabric mod and server-side Paper plugin that allows players to quickly share resource packs using written books

Client and server work separately with the same book format. You can install only one of those or both

Requiers Fabric Language Kotlin and owo lib on the client and MCKotlin on the server

Create a special book

First page should start with #RPShare keyword and contain a direct download link for a resource pack

You can also add a description on the second page

Don’t forget to sign the book. Any title would be okay

Download using client-side mod

Opening a book marked with #RPShare will result in a new menu

If you click on Download the mod then will download the resourcepack, put it into the usual resourcepacks folder and immediately activate it

Using server-side plugin

Server-side plugin doesn’t really do much. It only makes it so that you can click on the link and changes the formatting a little bit. Slightly more convenient for players who don’t want to use the mod


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