JetPDFVue is a library to Create,Modify,View PDF written in Jetpack Compose. This was created using PDFRenderer and PDFDocument. The library supports both Horizontal and Vertical viewing.


  1. Horizontal Example 1 Example 2



  1. Vertical Example 1


Remote sources might not work sometimes because files are hosted on google drive


  • Multiple Data Sources: JetPDFVue supports various data sources out of the box, including Base64, URL, Uri, Image, and Custom.

  • Interactive Viewer: Features like pinch-to-zoom and panning make it easy to interact with PDFs.

  • Page Rotation: Rotate pages with ease.

  • PDF Manipulation: Add PDF pages or images to an existing PDF.

  • Share PDF: Share your PDF documents seamlessly.

  • State Persistence: JetPDFVue remembers the UI state across compositions, eliminating the need for a ViewModel.

  • Custom Slider: A customizable slider for navigating through pages.

  • Comprehensive State Indicator: Gain insights into the PDF’s loading and importing state.

  • Efficient Memory Management: JetPDFVue incorporates cache support for efficient memory usage.

  • Useful Extensions: Simplify common tasks with extension functions, such as image rotation and compression.

    • File.rotateImageIfNeeded(): Rotate images to portrait orientation during import.
    • File.compressImageToThreshold(threshold: Int): Compress images during import.
    • InputStream.toFile(extension: String): Convert any input stream to a file.

Get Started


Step 1. Add INTERNET permissions on your AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Step 2. Add the JitPack maven repository

    maven { url ""  }

Step 3. Add the dependency

dependencies {

How to use

Step 4. You can use the library by creating the state in a Composable

This is for horizontal viewing

val horizontalVueReaderState = rememberHorizontalVueReaderState(
        resource = VueResourceType.Base64(
  "lorem_ipsum_base64.txt").let { inputStream ->
                inputStream.toFile(extension = ".txt")
        cache = 3 // By default 0
// .toFile is an util extension function to convert cany input stream to a file

This is for vertical viewing

val verticalVueReaderState = rememberVerticalVueReaderState(
        resource = VueResourceType.Base64(
  "lorem_ipsum_base64.txt").let { inputStream ->
                inputStream.toFile(extension = ".txt")
        cache = 3 // By default 0
// .toFile is an util extension function to convert cany input stream to a file

Step 5. Invoke load() method to initalize source

LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
            horizontalVueReaderState.load( // or verticalVueReaderState.load()
                context = context,
                coroutineScope = scope,
                containerSize = containerSize, // Used to create a canvas for bitmap
                isPortrait = true, //Use LocalConfiguration to determine orientation
                customResource = null // Requires when using Custom as Resource type

Step 6. Observe the reader state

val vueLoadState = horizontalVueReaderState.vueLoadState
            is VueLoadState.DocumentError -> {
                 * Handle Error by using
                 * vueLoadState.getErrorMessage
                 * */
            VueLoadState.DocumentImporting -> {
                 * Indicates when image/pdf is being imported
                 * This is also the state when the image is done importing but is being processed
                 * */
            VueLoadState.DocumentLoaded -> {
                 * This is the state where either
                 * HorizontalPdfViewer(horizontalVueReaderState = horizontalVueReaderState)
                 * or
                 * VerticalPdfViewer(verticalVueReaderState = verticalVueReaderState)
                 * Is used to display pdf
                 * */
            VueLoadState.DocumentLoading -> {
                 * Indicates when image/pdf is loaded initially
                 * This is also the state when resource type is custom
                 * Use horizontalVueReaderState.loadPercent to get progress (Does not work with Custom resource)
                 * */
            VueLoadState.NoDocument -> {
                 * This is the state where you want to create a new document
                 * Here, show UI for ex, button to launch the import intent
                 * */

Step 7. HorizontalVueReader and VerticalVueReader Should be used only when in VueLoadState.DocumentLoaded State

is VueLoadState.DocumentLoaded -> {
                    modifier = Modifier, // Modifier for pager
                    contentModifier = Modifier, // Modifier for Individual page
                    horizontalVueReaderState = horizontalVueReaderState

Resource Type

  1. Base64
rememberHorizontalVueReaderState(resource = VueResourceType.RemoteBase64(""))
  1. PDF
rememberHorizontalVueReaderState(resource = VueResourceType.Remote(""))
  1. Image
rememberHorizontalVueReaderState(resource = VueResourceType.Remote(""))


  1. Base64

        resource = VueResourceType.Base64(
  "lorem_ipsum_base64.txt").let { inputStream ->
                inputStream.toFile(extension = ".txt")
  1. Asset

        resource = VueResourceType.Asset(R.raw.lorem_ipsum))


Any network request or transformation can be done in this scope

    LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit, block = {
                    context = context, 
                    coroutineScope = this,
                    containerSize = containerSize,
                    isPortrait = true,
                    customResource = { // This lambda will be invoked when using Custom resource type
                        networkCall() // Should return a file

Import PDF and Images

1. Create launcher

 val launcher = horizontalVueReaderState.getImportLauncher(interceptResult = {file ->
        // This lambda will be invoked only when imported type is an image
        // Use this to reduce file size,rotate or transform as per your need

2. Launch Import Intent

                        context = context,
                        launcher = launcher

Share PDF


Feature Implementations

1. Page rotation

The rotation is being done on bitmap level but you don’t have to worry about that Just use horizontalVueReaderState.rotate(angle)

2. Custom Slider

Zoom gesture and swipe gesture does not seem to be working together but there is a custom slider to move between pages.

                modifier = Modifier
                    .padding(horizontal = 10.dp, vertical = 10.dp)
                horizontalVueReaderState = horizontalVueReaderState

Helper function is also available if you choose not to use the slider

scope.launch {horizontalVueReaderState.prevPage()}
scope.launch {horizontalVueReaderState.nextPage()}


   Copyright [2023] [Pratik Sahu]

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


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