VDS/VDS-NC Parser for the JVM

Parse and verify a Visible Digital Seal or VDS-NC (Non-Constrained).

How to use

Decode the barcode

Reading a barcode is not part of this library.

You can use the ZXing barcode library to decode a barcode and use the read contents with this library.

Note: VDS DataMatrix barcodes contain binary data. To extract the raw byte array from a Result object, the BYTE_SEGMENTS need to be appended manually. Unfortunately, Result.getRawBytes() cannot be used because it returns the raw encoded data, not the payload in it.

Here’s a sample of how to do it in Kotlin:

import com.google.zxing.Result
import com.google.zxing.ResultMetadataType

fun Result.getRawData(): ByteArray? {
	val metadata = resultMetadata ?: return null
	val segments = metadata[ResultMetadataType.BYTE_SEGMENTS] ?: return null
	var bytes = ByteArray(0)
	for (seg in segments as Iterable<ByteArray>) {
		bytes += seg
	// If the byte segments are shorter than the converted string, the
	// content of the QR Code has been encoded with different encoding
	// modes (e.g. some parts in alphanumeric, some in byte encoding).
	// This is because Zxing only records byte segments for byte encoded
	// parts. Please note the byte segments can actually be longer than
	// the string because Zxing cuts off prefixes like "WIFI:".
	return if (bytes.size >= text.length) bytes else null

Parse the barcode contents

VDS are binary data, VDS-NC are just text.


Once you have a ByteArray with the content of a VDS barcode, you can parse and verify it like this:

import com.kurzdigital.vds.security.CertificateListIterator
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.decodeVds
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.labelStringPairs
import com.kurzdigital.vds.Label
import java.security.cert.Certificate

fun parseAndVerifyVds(
	content: ByteArray,
	certificates: List<Certificate>
): Boolean {
	val vds = content.decodeVdsOrNull() ?: return false

	// Inspect vds.header here if desired.

	// Either inspect specific messages of specific types.
	when (vds.type) {
		VISA -> {
			// Do something with:

	// Or just enumerate all messages.
	for (message in vds.messages.labelStringPairs()) {
		// message is of type Pair<Label, String>

	// Verify with your list of certificates.
	return vds.verify(

See the test sources for a sample of how to load a list of Certificates.


This is how to parse and verify VDS-NC:

import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.decodeVdsNcOrNull
import java.security.cert.TrustAnchor

fun parseAndVerifyVdsNc(
	content: String,
	trustAnchors: Set<TrustAnchor>
): Boolean {
	val vdsNc = content.decodeVdsNcOrNull() ?: return false

	// Inspect vdsNc.header here if desired.

	// Either inspect specific messages of specific types.
	when (vdsNc.type) {

	// Or just enumerate all messages.
	for (message in vdsNc.messages) {
		// message is of type Pair<String, String>

	// Verify with your set of trust anchors.
	return when (vdsNc.verify(trustAnchors)) {

You can read the TrustAnchors from an InputStream that holds a CSCA Master List with com.kurzdigital.vds.security.readCscaMasterList. See the test sources for a sample of how to do this.

Read VDS and VDS-NC

The simplest approach is to just try and parse:

import com.google.zxing.Result
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.Vds
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.VdsNc

fun parseAndVerify(result: Result) {
	val raw = result.getRawData() // Not getRawBytes()! See above.
	val vds = raw?.decodeVdsOrNull() ?: result.text.decodeVdsNcOrNull()
	when (vds) {
		is Vds -> //
		is VdsNc -> //
		else -> //

What about Java?

In Java, you would call the Kotlin extension functions like ByteArray.decodeVdsOrNull() this way:

import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.DecoderKt;
import com.kurzdigital.vds.vds.Vds;

class VdsDecoder {
	public static boolean parseAndVerify(byte[] content) {
		Vds vds = DecoderKt.decodeVdsOrNull(content);
		// …

How to include

Android with Gradle

Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then add the dependency in your app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
	implementation ('com.github.kurzdigital:vds-jvm:1.0.0', {
		exclude group:'org.json', module:'json'

The json module needs to be excluded because Android already contains the JSON classes.


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