OpenAI Android
The project for OpenAI official APIs
implementation 'com.yat3s.openai:openai-android:0.0.3'
Text Completion
val response = TextCompletionBuilder(BuildConfig.OPENAI_API_KEY).build().textCompletion("Your prompt)
Advanced Configurations
val response = TextCompletionBuilder(BuildConfig.OPENAI_API_KEY)
.model("you model")
Please go Open AI text completion parameters to check the definition of the parameters.
Image Generation(DALL-E)
val response = ImageGenerationBuilder(BuildConfig.OPENAI_API_KEY).build().imageGeneration("Your prompt")
Advanced Configurations
val response = ImageGenerationBuilder(BuildConfig.OPENAI_API_KEY)
.generateCount(2) // The image count to generate, default 1
.imageSize("512x512") // "256x256", "512x512", "1024x1024" are supported, default "1024x1024"
.imageResponseFormat("url") // "url", "b64_json" are supported, default "url"
.imageGeneration("Your prompt")
How to get API KEY
Please go to Open AI API KEY to create your API KEY.