Kotlin MVVM AAC Kotlin (Coroutine, Flow) Compose Clean Architecture UseCase Pattern Repository Pattern Modular Architecture Oct 22, 2021 1 min read ttc 지하철 노선정보를 받아 검색하고 즐겨찾기 할 수 있는 앱 사용한 개념 및 기술 MVVM & AAC Kotlin(with Coroutine, Flow) Compose 클린 아키텍쳐 UseCase 패턴 Repository 패턴 모듈러 아키텍쳐 화면 구성 GitHub View Github KotlinMVVMPatternclean architectureJetpack Compose
Weather Weather app : Jetpack Compose Clean Architecture Example Weather app : Jetpack Compose Clean Architecture Example 03 December 2021
News A simple NewsApp built using Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture, Dagger Hilt and Kotlin Flow A simple NewsApp built using Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture, Dagger Hilt and Kotlin Flow 04 July 2022
Kotlin A program written entirely in Kotlin using the principles of Clean Architecture according to the MVVM pattern A program written entirely in Kotlin using the principles of Clean Architecture according to the MVVM pattern 18 March 2022