Make amazing OnBoarding Screens easily for your app with different colorful animations, fonts, styles, and many more. Customize your onboarding as per your requirements.
Indicator Animation/Indicator Style
NONE | |||||||
SCALE | |||||||
SMOOTH_SCALE | |||||||
LEFT_IN | |||||||
RIGHT_IN | |||||||
Content Animation Style
Animation Type | Preview |
NONE | |
FADE | |
TOP_IN | |
Key features
- Simple implementation
- Set Title and Description
- Set Content Animation
- Set Pager Indicator Animation
- Customize Title and Description
- Set OnBoarding image with drawable and image url
- Support for both Activity and Fragment
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
Step 2. Add the dependency
Add it in your app module build.gradle:
dependencies { ... implementation 'com.github.Mindinventory:Walk-Through-Screen:0.1.4' }
Step 1. Prepare List for your OnBoarding screen
val walkThroughScreens = ArrayList<WalkThroughScreenModel>().apply { add( WalkThroughScreenModel( image = R.drawable.tasty_dish, title = R.string.choose_a_tasty_dish, description = R.string.order_anything ) ) add( WalkThroughScreenModel( image = R.drawable.order, title = R.string.order, description = R.string.place_order ) ) add( WalkThroughScreenModel( image = R.drawable.delivery, title = R.string.pick_up_or_delivery, description = R.string.we_make_food ) ) }
Step 2. Customize title, description, indicator, animation
val walkThroughIntent = walkThrough { with { this@MainActivity } // Pass Content walkThroughScreens { walkThroughScreens } // Pass Screens List titleColor { R.color.black } // Title Color descriptionColor { R.color.black } // Description Color titleFontFamily { R.font.robotobold } // Title FontFamily descriptionFontFamily { R.font.robotolight } // Description FontFamily titleFontSize { 8.0F } // Title Font Size descriptionFontSize { 4.0F } // Description Font Size skipButtonFontFamily { R.font.robotolight } // Skip Button FontFamily skipButtonColor { R.color.yellow } // Skip Button Color backgroundColor { R.color.white } // Background Color for screen activeIndicatorColor { R.color.yellow } // Active Indicator Color inactiveIndicatorColor { R.color.light_yellow } // Inactive Indicator Color indicatorStyle { IndicatorStyle.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE } // Indicator Style CIRCLE, RECTANGLE, SQUARE, ROUNDED_RECTANGLE, VECTOR, BITMAP activeVectorDrawableRes { Your Vector } // Active Indicator Vector Drawable Res , Set If Indicator Style = VECTOR inactiveVectorDrawableRes { Your Vector } // Inactive Indicator Vector Drawable Res , Set If Indicator Style = VECTOR activeBitmapDrawableRes { R.drawable.tasty_dish } // Active Indicator Bitmap Drawable Res , Set If Indicator Style = BITMAP inactiveBitmapDrawableRes { R.drawable.order } // Active Indicator Bitmap Drawable Res , Set If Indicator Style = BITMAP activeVectorDrawableSize { 50 } // Active Vector Drawable Size in PX inactiveVectorDrawableSize { 50 } // Inactive Vector Drawable Size in PX activeBitmapDrawableSize { 50 } // Inactive Bitmap Drawable Size in PX inactiveBitmapDrawableSize { 50 } // Inactive Bitmap Drawable Size in PX indicatorGap { R.dimen.dp_5 } // Gap Between Indicators indicatorAnimationType { IndicatorAnimationType.NONE } // Indicator Animation Type SCALE, SMOOTH_SCALE, LEFT_IN, RIGHT_IN, FLIP activeIndicatorWidth { R.dimen.dp_30 } // Active Indicator Width activeIndicatorHeight { R.dimen.dp_8 } // Active Indicator Height inactiveIndicatorWidth { R.dimen.dp_8 } // Inactive Indicator Width inactiveIndicatorHeight { R.dimen.dp_8 } // Inactive Indicator Height contentAnimationType { ContentAnimationType.FADE } // Content Animation Type FADE, SLIDER, SCALE, TOP_IN, BOTTOM_IN, BOUNCE buttonColor { R.color.yellow } // Next/Finish Button Color buttonTextColor { R.color.white } // Next/Finish Button Text color skipButtonFontSize { 4.0F } // Skip Button Font Size }
For Activity
Step 3. Add Launcher to start Next Activity After OnBoarding
var resultLauncher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) { result -> if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { startActivity(Intent(this, HomeActivity::class.java)) finish() } }
Step 4. Launch Launcher using intent
For Fragment
Step 3. Get Bundle from intent
val walkThroughBundle = walkThroughIntent.extras
Step 4. Add WalkThroughFragment in your navigation graph and provide your action from WalkThroughFragment to Your Fragment where you want to navigate user after OnBoarding Screens
<fragment android:id="@+id/walkThroughFragment" android:name="com.mi.walkthroughandroid.ui.fragment.WalkThroughFragment" android:label="WalkThroughFragment" tools:layout="@layout/fragment_walk_through"> <!--Provide Your Action to navigate --> </fragment>
Step 5. Add Navigation Action from your fragment to WalkThroughFragment
Step 6. Navigate from your fragment(i.e, Here we have used SampleFragment) to WalkThroughFragment
findNavController().navigate( R.id.action_sampleFragment_to_walkThroughFragment, walkThroughBundle )
Step 7. Implement WalkThroughFragment.WalkThroughFragmentListener in your FragmentHostingActivity
Step 8. Override onSkipOrFinish() method and Navigate to next fragment
override fun onSkipOrFinish(isFromOnSkip: Boolean) { findNavController(R.id.fragmentContainer).navigate(R.id.action_walkThroughFragment_to_homeFragment) }
How to contribute?
Contribution towards our repository is always welcome, we request contributors to create a pull request to the develop branch only.
How to report an issue/feature request?
It would be great for us if the reporter can share the below things to understand the root cause of the issue.
- Library version
- Code snippet
- Logs if applicable
- Device specification like (Manufacturer, OS version, etc)
- Screenshot/video with steps to reproduce the issue
- minSdkVersion >= 23
- Androidx
Library used
- Layout support up to 4.65 inch devices