Lazy Tree List for Jetpack Compose
Getting Started
1. Download
Add a dependency on the library to your Android project (Desktop not supported for now)
dependencies {
2. Add LazyTreeList Composable to your composition
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f).fillMaxWidth(),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp),
contentPadding = PaddingValues(8.dp),
3. Add content :
You can either use the experimental DSL :
content = items(
count = 10,
subItems = { itemIndex ->
if(itemIndex < 5) items(1) { subItemIndex -> Text("SubItem $subItemIndex") }
) { itemIndex ->
Text("ContainerItem $i")
Or provide your own implementation of ItemTree
items = myData.asItemTree()
See AppUi.kt for an example implementation