WalletConnect V2

WalletConnect V2 – Kotlin

Kotlin implementation of WalletConnect v2 protocol for Android applications.


  • Android min SDK 23
  • Java 11



allprojects {
 repositories {
    maven(url = "https://jitpack.io")




Initialize WalletConnect Client

val appMetaData = AppMetaData(name = "Wallet Name", description = "Wallet Description", url = "Wallet Url", icons = listOfIconUrlStrings)
val initializeParams = ClientTypes.InitialParams(application = application, projectId = "project id", appMetaData = appMetaData)

The controller client will always be the wallet which is exposing blockchain accounts to a Dapp and therefore is also in charge of signing.
To initialize the WalletConnect client, create a ClientTypes.InitialParams object in the Android Application class. The InitialParams object will need at least the application class, the ProjectID and the wallet’s AppMetaData. The InitialParams object will then be passed to the WalletConnectClient initialize function. IntitalParams also allows for custom URLs by passing URL string into the hostName property.

WalletConnectClientListeners.Session Listeners

val listener = object: WalletConnectClientListener {
   override fun onSessionProposal(sessionProposal: WalletConnectClientData.SessionProposal) {
      // Session Proposal object sent by Dapp after pairing was successful

   override fun onSessionRequest(sessionRequest: WalletConnectClientData.SessionRequest) {
      // JSON-RPC methods wrapped by SessionRequest object sent by Dapp

   override fun onSessionDelete(deletedSession: WalletConnectClientData.DeletedSession) {
      // Triggered when the session is deleted by the peer

   override fun onSessionNotification(sessionNotification: WalletConnectClientData.SessionNotification) {
      // Triggered when the peer emits events as notifications that match the list of types agreed upon session settlement

The WalletConnectClient needs a WalletConnectClientListener passed to it for it to be able to expose asynchronously updates sent from the Dapp.

Pair Clients

val pairParams = ClientTypes.PairParams("wc:...")
val pairListener = object: WalletConnectClientListeners.Pairing {
   override fun onSuccess(settledPairing: WalletConnectClientData.SettledPairing) {
      // Settled pairing

   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Pairing approval error
WalletConnectClient.pair(pairParams, pairListener)

To pair the wallet with the Dapp, call the WalletConnectClient.pair function which needs a ClientTypes.PairParams and WalletConnectClientListeners.Pairing.
ClientTypes.Params is where the Dapp Uri will be passed.
WalletConnectClientListeners.Pairing is the callback that will be asynchronously called once there a pairing has been made with the Dapp.

Session Approval

NOTE: addresses provided in accounts array should follow CAPI10 semantics.

val accounts: List<String> = /*list of accounts on chains*/
val sessionProposal: WalletConnectClientData = /*Session Proposal object*/
val approveParams: ClientTypes.ApproveParams = ClientTypes.ApproveParams(sessionProposal, accounts)
val listener: WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionApprove {
   override fun onSuccess(settledSession: WalletConnectClientData.SettledSession) {
      // Approve session success

   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Approve session error
WalletConnectClient.approve(approveParams, listener)

To send an approval, pass a Session Proposal object along with the list of accounts to the WalletConnectClient.approve function. Listener will asynchronously expose the settled session if the operation is successful.

Session Rejection

val rejectionReason: String = /*The reason for rejecting the Session Proposal*/
val proposalTopic: String = /*Topic from the Session Proposal*/
val rejectParams: ClientTypes.RejectParams = ClientTypes.RejectParams(rejectionReason, proposalTopic)
val listener: WalletConnectClientListneners.SessionReject {
   override fun onSuccess(rejectedSession: WalletConnectClientData.RejectedSession) {
      // Rejection proposal

   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      //Rejected proposal error
WalletConnectClient.reject(rejectParams, listener)

To send a rejection for the Session Proposal, pass a rejection reason and the Session Proposal topic to the WalletConnectClient.reject function. Listener will asynchronously expose a RejectedSession object that will mirror the data sent for rejection.

Session Disconnect

val disconnectionReason: String = /*The reason for disconnecting the Settled Session*/
val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic from the Settled Session*/
val disconnectParams = ClientTypes.DisconnectParams(sessionTopic, disconnectionReason)
val listener = object : WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionDelete {
   override fun onSuccess(deletedSession: WalletConnectClientData.DeletedSession) {
      // DeleteSession object with topic and reason

   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Session disconnect error

WalletConnectClient.disconnect(disconnectParams, listener)

To disconnect from a settle session, pass a disconnection reason and the Settled Session topic to the WalletConnectClient.disconnect function. Listener will asynchronously expose a DeleteSession object that will mirror the data sent for rejection.

Respond Request

val sessionRequestTopic: String = /*Topic of Settled Session*/
val jsonRpcResponse: WalletConnectClientData.JsonRpcResponse.JsonRpcResult = /*Settled Session Request ID along with request data*/
val result = ClientTypes.ResponseParams(sessionTopic = sessionRequestTopic, jsonRpcResponse = jsonRpcResponse)
val listener = object : WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionPayload {
   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Error

WalletConnectClient.respond(result, listener)

To respond to JSON-RPC methods that were sent from Dapps for a settle session, submit a ClientTypes.ResponseParams with the settled session’s topic and request ID along with the respond data to the WalletConnectClient.respond function. Any errors would exposed through the WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionPayload listener.

Reject Request

val sessionRequestTopic: String = /*Topic of Settled Session*/
val jsonRpcResponseError: WalletConnectClientData.JsonRpcResponse.JsonRpcError = /*Settled Session Request ID along with error code and message*/
val result = ClientTypes.ResponseParams(sessionTopic = sessionRequestTopic, jsonRpcResponse = jsonRpcResponseError)
val listener = object : WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionPayload {
   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Error

WalletConnectClient.respond(result, listener)

To reject a JSON-RPC method that was sent from a Dapps for a settle session, submit a ClientTypes.ResponseParams with the settled session’s topic and request ID along with the rejection data to the WalletConnectClient.respond function. Any errors would exposed through the WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionPayload listener.

Session Update

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Settled Session*/
val sessionState: WalletConnectClientData.SessionState = /*object with list of accounts to update*/
val updateParams = ClientTypes.UpdateParams(sessionTopic = sessionTopic, sessionState = sessionState)
val listener = object : WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionUpdate {
   override fun onSuccess(updatedSession: WalletConnectClientData.UpdatedSession) {
      // Callback for when Dapps successfully updates settled session

   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Error

WalletConnectClient.update(updateParams, listener)

To update a settled session, create a ClientTypes.UpdateParams object with the settled session’s topic and accounts to update session with to WalletConnectClient.update. Listener will echo the accounts updated on the Dapp if action is successful.

Session Upgrade

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Settled Session*/
val permissions: WalletConnectClientData.SessionPermissions = /*list of blockchains and JSON-RPC methods to upgrade with*/
val upgradeParams = ClientTypes.UpgradeParams(sessionTopic = sessionTopic, permissions = permissions)
val listener = object : WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionUpgrade {
   override fun onSuccess(upgradedSession: WalletConnectClientData.UpgradedSession) {
      // Callback for when Dapps successfully upgrades settled session

   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Error

WalletConnectClient.upgrade(upgradeParams, listener)

To upgrade a settled session, create a ClientTypes.UpgradeParams object with the settled session’s topic and blockchains and JSON-RPC methods to upgrade the session with to WalletConnectClient.upgrade. Listener will echo the blockchains and JSON-RPC methods upgraded on the Dapp if action is successful.

Session Ping

val sessionTopic: String = /*Topic of Settled Session*/
val pingParams = ClientTypes.PingParams(sessionTopic)
val listener = object : WalletConnectClientListeners.SessionPing {
   override fun onSuccess(topic: String) {
      // Topic being pinged

   override fun onError(error: Throwable) {
      // Error

WalletConnectClient.ping(pingParams, listener)

To ping a Dapp with a settled session, call WalletConnectClient.ping with the ClientTypes.PingParams with a settle session’s topic. If ping is successful, topic is echo’d in listener.

Get List of Settled Sessions


To get a list of the most current setteld sessions, call WalletConnectClient.getListOfSettledSessions() which will return a list of type WalletConnectClientData.SettledSession.

Get List of Pending Sessions


To get a list of the most current pending sessions, call WalletConnectClient.getListOfPendingSession() which will return a list of type WalletConnectClientData.SessionProposal.

Shutdown SDK


To make sure that the internal coroutines are handled correctly when leaving the application, call WalletConnectClient.shutdown() before exiting from the application.

API Keys

For api keys look at API Keys


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