A Intermediate native android application which uses api,firestore and many more ,
- This application “Familysafety” moniters the users location and , when in need he can call emegency services just by a click
why it is useful
- The SOS mobile app is ideal for people in trouble with no one around to help them. It is useful for lone workers, travelers, and also those living alone.
- They can use it to instantly notify the appropriate officials of their need for assistance along with other details like location.
what can it do
- Being an ios user iam habituated to medical id and stuff so in the profile page we can see the medical details of the users , as it is very important to know about medical health of user interms of emergency
- People who use this app and can see others locations, – when a person is invited by you to this app – then the both persons can see others location
- Provides the details of the family as well as the adress details in one
- used to contact
- cops
- As well as when there is a medical emergency
what langauge does it use
- the following application is built on kotlin and xml
How it works
when the app is opened user is asked to signin via google!
After the sigin the user is asked to give Permissions to move forward
After giving all the permissions and the the user is navigated to the app where he can move from one activity to other
The page which user is navigated into after the login -Home Page
- the gaurd page
The following are the Dashboard and profile section of the app
how this app works [visual]
Features of the App
- Decent Ui
- Maps
- Firestore for storing data
- Authentification using google
The Application is built on the following
1.Card view
2.Working with dependancies and manifest file
3.Launcher activity and intent
5.Color picking using colour picker
9.Action bar
10.Colour variant
11.Colours xml file usage
12.Bottom navigation view — menu items – vector assets
13.Working with multiple activities
Working with fragment
Working with multiple fragments
Creating single member and accesing
Passing data using adaptor
Ui shapes selectors
Working with maps
Working with api
Working with permissions
Fetching contacts
Opening camera
Working with firebase
Signin with google
Shared prepferences
Using firestore
Fetching and updating data in firestore
Location updates on firebase