Gradle Best Practices Plugin
Add to your project
// build.gradle[.kts]
plugins {
id("com.autonomousapps.plugin-best-practices-plugin") version "<<latest version>>"
Use it
./gradlew :plugin:checkBestPractices
Where :plugin
is the name of your plugin project.
Or, since the checkBestPractices
is automatically added as a dependency of the check
./gradlew :plugin:check
Example results
The checkBestPractices
may print a report such as the following:
com.test.GreetingPlugin#apply(Ljava.lang.Object;)V ->
com.test.GreetingPlugin#apply(Lorg.gradle.api.Project;)V ->
com.test.FancyTask#action()V ->
com.test.FancyTask#doAction()V ->
com.test.FancyTask$ReallyFancyTask#doAction()V ->
This indicates that your plugin is calling Project#allprojects()
, which violates best practices no matter the context;
and also that it calls Task#getProject()
, which violates best practices when called from the context of a method
annotated with @TaskAction