Funny Adapter

Add the JitPack repository to your root build file

allprojects {
    repositories {

Add the dependency

dependencies {


• Simple and convenient adapter
• Will allow you not to create a separate class
• Works with RecyclerView and ViewPager2

What’s included

• Adapter works completely on coroutines
• DiffUtil
• ViewTypes

Simple usage (Similarly used with ViewPager2)

recyclerView.adapter = FunnyAdapter {
    setup<Item, ItemBinding>(ItemBinding::inflate) {
        // Optional
        init {
            textView.clipToOutline = true

        // There are three overloaded methods "bind" here
        bind { item ->
            textView.text = item.text
        bind { coroutineScope, item -> 
            textView.text = item.text

        bind { coroutineScope, holder, item ->
            textView.text = holder.bindingAdapterPosition.toString()


// If the data comes with a delay, use this

DiffUtil usage

// lifecycleScope is optional
recyclerView.adapter = FunnyAdapter {
    setup<Item, ItemBinding>(ItemBinding::inflate) {

        bind { item ->
            textView.text = item.text

        // Diffutils uses the equals function by default, but you can override it:
        diffUtil {
            areItemsTheSame { oldItem, newItem ->
            areContentsTheSame { oldItem, newItem ->
                oldItem.text == newItem.text


ViewTypes usage

 recyclerView.adapter = FunnyAdapter {
    // There are 2 setups for each viewType
    setup<Item1, Item1Binding>(Item1Binding::inflate) {
        bind { item ->
            textView1.text = item.text
    setup<Item2, Item2Binding>(Item2Binding::inflate) {
        bind { item ->
            textView2.text = item.text

// There is no familiar condition for determining the viewType
// Instead of the usual condition, for define a viewType we using hash codes of classes, as well as primitives
// This means that the contentList must be of type Any, which will contain different objects or primitives
// The advantage of this approach is that it has a better architecture and flexibility

val contentList: ArrayList<Any> = ArrayList()
contentList.add(Item1(text = "viewType1"))
contentList.add(Item2(text = "viewType2"))



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