Sequence Layout

SequenceLayout is a new solution to layout problem. Taken account the strenghts and weaknesses of ConstraintLayout, this new layout is much more flexible and also very much simpler to understand and define.

While being more light weight than ConstraintLayout, SequenceLayout makes it possible to support a wider range of screen sizes.





Add the dependency:

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.yashoid:sequencelayout:1.1.0'

How to use this library

SequenceLayout is based on two core consepts:

  • Span: Is an extend definition. In contrast to other layouts, margins and spaces are treated as sizing entities same as view dimensions. Each Span has a size, optional min and max for size limits, optional id to assign it to a view's horizontal or vertical extend, and an optional visibilityElement which means the size should be resolved to zero if the visibility element's visibility is set to View.GONE.
  • Sequence: Is a sequence of spans that resolves the extends (Spans) to actual positions on the screen. For Vertical sequences the first span is positioned from 0 to the span's resolved size. The next span's position starts after the previous span end position. Same is valid for Horizontal sequences from left to right (from x equal to zero).

Hint: Sequences also have optional start and end properties that are defined relative to other views or the container. The default value for start is 0@ meaning zero percent of the parent and default value for end is subsequently 100@.

Hello SequenceLayout


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




pgSize is an adaptive size that allows you to define your Span sizes relative to available width using pg unit.
sequences refers to an XML file that defines the positioning of sequence layout's children. Note that android:layout_width and android:layout_height are virtually ignored.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Span size="1w"/>
    <Span id="@id/view" size="40pg"/>
    <Span size="1w"/>
    <Span size="1w"/>
    <Span id="@id/view" size="40pg"/>
    <Span size="1w"/>

This resolves to putting the view in the center of the screen as a square of 40pg size. Which means width = 40 / 360 * total_width.

Span sizes cheat sheet

  • % Size relative to sequence's total size. Examples: 30%, 100%, -10.5%, 150%
  • px Size in pixels. Examples: 12px, 60px, -8.5px
  • mm Size in millimeters. Examples: 10mm, 1mm, 0.85mm
  • wrap Wrapping size. Specific to use for views. Is equivalent for the known wrap_content behaviour.
  • %[view_id] Size percentage relative to another view's size. Examples: 30%view, 100%text_title, -10%image_profile
  • align@[view_id] Set the size so that the Span would end at the start of the given id's view. Examples: align@text_title, align@image_profile
  • pg Relative to the pgSize defined for the SequenceLayout. Meant to be the main sizing unit and to replace dp sizes. This allows you to define your layout solely by following the sizes that are given to you by the designers. Examples: 12pg, 1.5pg, -4pg
  • w Weighted size inside of each sequence's scope. After all other sizes have resolved. The remaining space is divided between the weighed spans relative to their weight. If the SequenceLayout is set to horizontal or vertical wrapping, all weighted sizes will be resolved to zero. Examples: 1w, 20w, 4.5w, -3w
  • @MAX(span_size,...) Resolves to the maximum value of the given span sizes. Note that weighted and aligned sizes are not valid. Examples: @MAX(48pg,100%text_title,25%image_profile), @MAX(100%view,20%)

@MAX is used in sample_3 in the sample code. I added the feature to support a behviour questioned in StackOverFlow
