Fix for HotSpot deep stack problem
Java HotSpot C2 compiler has a problem with deeply recursive functions.
For a discussion of the problem see
This discussion mention a workaround using
option to use only C1 compiler.
However, this option significantly slows down computational code, because C1 compiler is much
worse at optimizing code than C2 compiler.
This project introduces a workaround that works with HotSpot C2 compiler.
Step 1. Compiled classes need to be preprocessed with this HotFix
java -jar HotFix-1.0.jar <classes-directory> <main-class-name> [-q]
option is to make it quiet, without writing anything to the console.
Step 2. Run the resulting code with -XX:-UseInterpreter
java -XX:-UseInterpreter -cp <classes-directory> <main-class-name>