Engage users with a Snackbar from the design lib to e.g. rate or translate the app.
Get the dependency via JitPack:
or from JCenter ( might be behind JitPack ) like this:
Just add this where you want ( e.g. in the onCreate
method of your entry activity )
This would than show this snack after some opportunities and never again when once clicked on Rate
( which takes you to Play store or F-Droid - anything that accepts the generated market://
link )
Other snacks that are possible:
or create your own snack - e.g. to make a survey.
combine them as you wish and add your own conditions:
This lib came to exist because I wanted something like discreet-app-rate - but using a Snackbar from the new material design support lib which was emerging at Google I/O 2015.
After thinking about it I wanted to make it more broad - not only for rating - also engaging users by pointing them to beta-testing and translation.
The DefaultRateSnack just configures a RateSnack with default conditions:
you can easily roll your own analog to this default one:
you can also have a custom snack with an image added: