
Create and run android emulators in a quick & easy manner with just device name/model. Use the various flags to customize the emulator as per your requirements.


Setting up the dependency

Install using npm

$ npm install easy-android-emulator -g

sdkmanager, avdmanager & emulator need to be accessible via command line

Refer to Setup tutorial article if needed.


Just call emulate to emulate the default device

$ emulate

Pass in Device Name or Model as the argument to emulate specific device

$ emulate "Pixel 4 XL"

Details of the device are automatically fetched, but if needed, they can be customized using the appropriate flags.


Flag Description
-h, --help show CLI help
--version show CLI version
-v, --verbose show verbose logs
-n, --name name of the AVD to be (created &) used
-p, --persist persist the created avd (makes it faster for subsequent runs)
-f, --force force recreation of the emulator avd
--android set the android API level for the AVD (Use along with -f flag if AVD already exists)
--abi set the preferred ABI for the AVD (Use along with -f flag if AVD already exists)
-r, --resolution set the resolution of the AVD (Use along with -f flag if AVD already exists). Eg: -r 1080x2160
-d, --density set the density of the AVD (Use along with -f flag if AVD already exists). Eg: -d 440


  1. Create emulator with Samsung Galaxy M51 Specs, but with 800x1280 resolution & 240 density, which is persisted for future reuse.
$ emulate m51 -r 800x1280 -d 240 -p
  1. Create emulator with Pixel 4 Specs, but with android API 25 and x86_64 ABI. (With verbose logs)
$ emulate "Pixel 4" --android 25 --abi x86_64 -v
