A Compose for Web wrapper of Mapbox.
This wrapper is currently built to work with Kotlin 1.8.10
, Compose for Web 1.3.0
, and the Compose Compiler 1.4.1-dev-k1.8.10-c312d77f4cb
(Kotlin 1.8.0 is unsupported due to a compiler bug).
To add this to your compose project, make sure to specify the version of the compose compiler, and add this library as a dependency.
// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform") version "1.8.10"
id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.3.0"
repositories {
maven(url = "")
// Currently requiring a development version of the compose compiler
maven(url = "")
compose {
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val jsMain by getting {
dependencies {
To create a map, call rememberMapboxState()
to obtain a map state object that you can use to programatically interact with the map. Then call the MapboxMap()
composable and pass it your Mapbox access token and a map style URL at a minimum.
val mapState = rememberMapboxState()
style = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v10",
state = mapState,
) {
// Place your sources and layers here
Adding Sources
Data sources are added using Composable methods in the sources
block of the MapboxMap
Currently, only GeoJSON sources are implemented.
import geojson.GeoJsonObject
MapboxMap(/* ... */) {
GeoJsonSource(id = "test", data = data.unsafeCast<GeoJsonObject>()) {
// Layers for this data source go here
Adding Layers
Layers are added within the scope of a data source. The layer is automatically set up to pull data from that source. Paint and layout properties can be applied to the layer.
MapboxMap(/* ... */) {
GeoJsonSource(/* ... */) {
CircleLayer(id = "circles") {
All the source, layer, and paint/layout property functions are composable functions meaning that their properties can be updated like any other composable function.
var size by remember { mutableStateOf(1) }
MapboxMap(/* ... */) {
GeoJsonSource(/* ... */) {
CircleLayer(id = "circles") {
// The circle radius will automatically update on the map
Button(attrs = {
onClick = { size++ }
}) {
Text("Increase Size")
Building the Sample
This repo includes a sample project using the map. You can try out the sample here:
To build the sample locally, first create a
file at the repository root and add your Mapbox access token to it.
MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN={ your access token here }
Next, build and run the project:
./gradlew :sample:jsBrowserRun
The sample will open at http://localhost:8080.