Jira time logger

Automate your time logging by utilizing Git hooks and Jira API.

Prerequisites & setup

  1. Assuming you work on feature branches please create them in format (feature|fix|path|...)/EXAMPLE-123-some-desc.
  2. Install and use commit-msg Git hook from https://github.com/pbetkier/add-issue-id-hook to add Jira issue to every commit on a branch.
  3. Collect all commits from all the repositories in one file using the following post-commit Git hook: https://gist.github.com/lmullen/6095650
  4. Run Jira time logger periodically to read file from previous point and update worklogs.

Tips & tricks

Configure Git Template

To have Git hooks in every repository you work with make use of git templates: https://coderwall.com/p/jp7d5q/create-a-global-git-commit-hook


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