Android app that displays movies from TMDB API.
MVVM with Clean Architecture
- Creates abstraction
- Separation of concerns for the various layers
- Single focus classes to improve testability
- Easy to read and follow therefore great for teamwork
Rxjava for reactive programming
- Composability — operators in RxJava are easily assembled to conduct difficult operations.
- Convertibility — operators in RxJava can transform data types by filtering, processing and expanding data streams.
- A lot of documentation and community support online
Coil for image loading and caching
- Coil is kotlin-based, lightweight and faster than Glide
- Has growing community support
- Easy to set up and use
- Supports out of the box caching
Room database
- compile-time validation of SQL queries
- supported by Google on android
- supported by Google and Jetpack
- Has great community support
- Builds and validates dependency graphs during build time, reducing boilerplate
The app will always perform a network call when network is available, and in the event connectivity cannot be established, the app will fall back to using the local data source.
Incomplete Features
- Movie Details screen
- Pagination of requests