nanosim: 5sim client for Android made using Jetpack Compose


why i made it?

i needed a 5sim mobile client bc i dont like dealing with the website on mobile browser

how do i use it?

when you launch the app, you need to provide your 5sim api key in the text field (pls make sure that it is the new api key, not the deprecated one) and press enter on your keyboard. if your api key is valid, you will be brought to the home screen and your api key will be saved.

how to…

buy numbers

to buy numbers, click on the buy icon on the bottom. it will provide you a list of services. select the service you want and it will give you a list of countries with the qty and price. select on the country and the client will purchase the number and take you to an order view screen. you can copy the number from your order to the clipboard by clicking on it. the order status will update every 3 seconds automatically awaiting for any sms code. when you receive your code, you can click on it to copy the sms code to the clipboard. if you dont receieve an sms and your order isnt expired, you can click the red cancel button. if you cannot cancel an order, the cancel button will be gray.

view orders

just click on the order icon on the bottom. you can scroll through the most recent orders. they will be color coded based on the status (Expired, Received, Pending…) and the title will be in the format “{service}@{number}”. if you click on the order, you will be sent to an order view screen.

change accounts

go to the home page and click on “Sign out”. this will delete your api key and send you to the welcome screen where you can enter a new one.


yea, what of it?


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