Ivy Wallet: money manager
Personal finance and spending tracker app which helps you manage your money.
Ivy Wallet is a free budget manager and spending tracker app that’ll help you manage your personal finances with ease.
Imagine Ivy Wallet as a digital financial notebook (manual expense tracker) in which you’ll track your income, expenses, and budget.
The advantage that our money manager gives you is that you can track expenses on the go with an intuitive and simple user interface (UI).
Once your transactions make their way into Ivy Wallet, the spending tracker app will give you insight into your monthly spending and help you plan your budgets.
When you enter more income and expenses in the money manager app you’ll have an answer to three essential questions:
Exactly how much money do I have right now in all accounts combined? (money manager)
How much did I spend this month and where? (expense tracker)
How much money can I spend and still reach my financial goals? (budget manager)
$Track. $Budget. $Save
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose (UI & navigation)
- MVVM architecture with LiveData
- Hilt (DI)
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Retrofit (REST API)
- OkHttp 3 (REST client)
- Gson (JSON serialization)
Local Persistence
- Shared Prefences
- Room DB (SQLite ORM)
- EventBus (cross component communication)
- Timber (Logging)
- Firebase Crashlytics (crashes, logging)
- Gradle KTS
- Fastlane (upload to Google PlayStore)
- Github Actions (CI/CD server)
Project Requirements
- Java 11
- Android Studio Arctic Fox (for easy download – JetBrains Toolbox)
How to build?
- Clone the repository
- Open with Android Studio
- Everything should sync and build automatically
How to contribute?
- Submit pull requests for bug fixes / code improvements
- Create new issues to give us ideas and feedback
- Implement and submit PRs for opened issues
- Download Ivy Wallet and leave us a review
I hope that a lot of more profile pictures are going to show up here, soon!