Compose Data Table

This library is an implementation of the Material Design data table for Compose.

The original code is derived from the implementation that was removed from Compose pre-1.0. The goal is to implement the entire Material Design spec for data tables.

Getting started

Add the dependency to your gradle build file:


Draw a table

var selectedRow by remember { mutableStateOf<Int?>(null) }
    columns = listOf(
        TableColumnDefinition {
            Text("Header A")
        TableColumnDefinition {
            Text("Header B")
        TableColumnDefinition(Alignment.CenterEnd) {
            Text("Header C")
) {
    row {
        onClick = { selectedRow = 0 }
        cell { Text("Cell A1") }
        cell { Text("Cell B1") }
        cell { Text("Cell C1") }
    row {
        onClick = { selectedRow = 1 }
        cell { Text("Cell A2") }
        cell { Text("Cell B2") }
        cell { Text("Cell C2") }


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