Geoponics : E-Commerce Application

Geoponics is an E-Commerce Android Based Aplication Designed for Farmers As Well As Normal Users to Buy and Sell Agricultural goods !

The Application Has 2 Main Motives

  1. To Ease Buying And Selling of Agricultural Goods.
  2. Collect and Harvest Organic Waste.

Technology Stack :

Native Android JAVA Firebase-FireStore Firebase-AutoML

Application Modules :

  1. Authentication Module
  2. Buy Module & Sell Module.
  3. Wallet Module.
  4. Plant Health. (Using Auto-ML)
  5. Additionl Features.

Authentication Module :

  1. Login : This module will authenticate user with application.
  2. Signup : This Module will create new account for users by entering all details also it will create wallet to store points


Buy Module & Sell Module :

  1. Buy Module : In this section user can buy fresh vegetables, plants and different Agriculture/Gardening Products

    • My Cart : Here user can see which products are added in cart and make use of points which he/she has earned by selling rotten vegetable or garden waste


  2. Sell Module : here user can sell vegetables/fruits or different products from home directly by following few steps

    • Rotten/Spoiled Vegetables: By clicking here user can sell is waste vegetables or leftovers or garden waste which will be further use for fertilizer


Wallet Module :

Here user can see his total points and scan valid QR code to earn points


Plant Health (Using Auto-ML) :

This Feature uses Machine Learning to identify diseases of plants and also tells user which disease it has.
Ml Model is trained using Kraggle Plant Diseases Dataset


Additionl Features :

  1. Profile : Here user can see and update his/her profile it contains two additional features currently selling and my cluster

    • Currently Selling : here user can see and remove products which he/she is selling currently
    • My cluster : here user can see and contact his/her nearby application users for collaboration purposes

