Navigation An app help you to choose a name to your baby girl or boy! recyclerview, fragment, navigation Feb 18, 2022 1 min read android_kotlin_basics_choose_names This app help you to choose a name to your baby girl or boy! Choose the genre and a letter… and you have a list of names and if you clicked in the name you want you get more information about the meaning GitHub View Github NavigationRecyclerViewKotlin
Navigation A sample compose navigation destination code generation with kotlin symbols processing A sample compose navigation destination code generation with kotlin symbols processing 27 February 2023
Navigation AR based navigation system with Kotlin AR based navigation system with Kotlin 08 January 2023
RecyclerView An example on how to implement DiffUtil for RecyclerViews in Kotlin An example on how to implement DiffUtil for RecyclerViews in Kotlin 02 January 2023