gCloud Storage Utils
An Android library to make sync on Google Cloud Storage easier.
Currently it only supports image uploads.
implementation "com.evolve:gcloud-storage-utils:1.0.2"
// build the `AuthInfo` for upload
val list = mutableListOf<String>()
list.add("Url 1")
list.add("Url 2")
list.add("Url 3")
var disposable = Flowable.fromIterable(list)
.flatMap { count ->
val gcsMetaData = GCSMetaInfo.Builder().apply {
bucketName = Constants.BUCKET_NAME // GCS google cloud buckey
serviceConfig = assets.open(Constants.SERVER_KEY) // GCS auth config file.
this.gcsStoragePath = getGCSStoragePath()
imageMetaInfo = GCSMetaInfo.ImageMetaInfo().apply {
this.imagePath = "image path"
this.mediaType ="media type" //GCSMetaInfo.ImageMetaInfo.TYPE_JPEG
this.metadata = imageExtraParams.toString()
compressLevel = 80 ("Compression ratio") // default value is 100
compressFormat = Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG //default value is Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
waterMarkInfo= // default value is null , GCSMetaInfo.WaterMarkInfo.EMPTY()
return@flatMap uploadImageGCS(gcsMetaData)
.doOnNext {
print("next on call $it")
println("Progress: $it")
}, {
println("Image error: ${it.localizedMessage}")
println("image error stacktrace: ${it.printStackTrace()}:")
progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
}, {
progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
// consume the request object as you wish to
Have a look at the sample code included in the project as well.