Real Estate Manager
Real Estate Manager is an Android application that allows you to manage properties. The app uses Kotlin as the primary programming language and implements the MVVM Architecture with a Clean Architecture approach. The app also utilizes LiveData, Retrofit, Room, and Coroutines to provide a smooth and efficient user experience.
Features :
- List all properties
- Access property details
- Create a new property
- View properties on a map
- Take pictures of the property and import them
- Calculate a mortgage regarding the property’s price
- Change currency from dollar to euro
- Filter properties
Tech Stack :
- Built with Kotlin
- Uses MVVM architecture
- Incorporates LiveData for data binding
- Uses Retrofit for networking and API calls
- Utilizes Room for local data storage
- Uses Coroutines for background tasks
Screenshots :
- List all properties
- Access property details
- Create a new property
- View properties on a map
- Take pictures of the property and import them
- Calculate a mortgage regarding the property’s price
- Change currency from dollar to euro
- Filter properties
How to make this app better ?
- Implementation of more UseCases
- Full conversion to Flow / Coroutines
- Use of an API for currency and not hard coded ressources (prices fluctuate)
- Make the filtered search a dropdown list