This is a weather forecast application based on the modern Android development tools
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Screen Shots
Libraries and Tools
- Android Studio Electric Canary 3
- Kotlin 1.7-Beta
- Context Receivers
- KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing): is a library for processing Kotlin source files.
- Clean Architecture
- Single Activity
- Dagger Hilt
- Github CI
- Retrofit
- Coroutines (RepeatOnLifeCycle API)
- Navigation (SafeArgs)
- ViewBinding
- Material Design
- Portrait + Landscape
- SharedElement Transition
- Coil
- UnitTests (Mockk): is a library for mocking and verifying Kotlin code.
- There are some PBIs (Product-Backlog-Item) in the Backlog section that could be implemented in the future
- There are some TODOs in the project source code. Most of them are additional features that could be implemented in the future
- The current weather is shown in the main screen for specific city code. But its better to show it using user’s location.
- Some of objects in observation field in the api/estonia/current/ endpoint, have an empty string for their
. So we can’t make an API call for this places. instead we can show details from previous screen. - The API doesn’t provide any image url for the place. So it’s better to use some random images from network to have a better UX.
- CI APK release on master
- Network Error Animation + Retry Button
- Add Swipe Refresh
- Jetpack Compose Version
- Room
- MotionLayout
- Fragments Split (Converting fat Fragments to small fragments)
- MultiThreading (Coroutines ThreadPoolExecutor)
- First Offline Cache
- Google Maps Location
- Paging
- MultiModule
- DatePicker
- MultiLanguage
- MultiTheme
- Network Check