A very small, fast and portable Git GUI.
Repositories can be configured with credentials, SSH keys and proxies separately.
No need to toggle the proxy setting of .gitconfig
Analyse your and other repositories with the help of TinyGit’s statistics.
Easiest way is to build with the shipped Gradle script. You do not need to install Gradle on your machine. Just call
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew clean assemble
for Mac OS and Linux or
gradlew.bat clean assemble
for Windows.
TinyGit runs only with a Git installation on your device.
For Mac OS this should be installed via brew install git
Requires Java 11 to be installed.
java -XX:+UseParallelGC -jar tinygit-x.x.x.jar
- Creating and cloning Git repositories
- Separate settings for each repository
- Working with branches
- Working with stashes
- Working with tags
- Automatic squashing of feature branches
- Automatic reset if a branch diverged from remote branch
- Repository statistics.
Missing Features
- Word-by-word diff
- Viewing stashes
- Staging/unstaging code blocks
- Saving split pane dividers
- Opening selected file in explorer/finder
- Opening pull requests