Copyright © 2021 Aleix Morgadas – Licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0
A project to learn about Reactive Microservices experimenting with architectures and patterns
The model is quite simple, you will find it too simple to be split between two Services. Yet, I consider this situation
happens more often that we might be aware of.
The idea of having a simple model is to focus on Learing about Reactive Microservices.
Simplistic Architecture
This is the first step of any microservice arhictecture, having two services. Then, a situation that happens often is
that one talk to the other.
Here, we assume (obviously they don’t ?) that Posts
and Comments
are enough big boundaries to be in their own
At few time, we realise we need to understand what’s going on inside our microservices. That’s why we add monitoring
tools like Prometheus
and Grafana