
A material design Toast Library for Android


CuteToast is an Android Custom Toast library that could be used instead of Default Toast. It does everything as Toast but with some extra spice.

CuteToast allows developers to use Toast with Colorful design and Icons. It's open-source and free to use.
Give it a try.!

What's New

  • CuteToast without pre-built icon version added. Check the dependencies.

More changes in Release Tab.


Click to View High Quality



Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file):

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }


Add this to your module's build.gradle file (make sure the version matches the JitPack badge above):

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.ahmmedrejowan.CuteToast:CuteToast:1.2'

If you want to use only Custom Background Options (no Pre-build Icons), then:

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.ahmmedrejowan.CuteToast:CuteToast-Custom:1.2'



Each of the following method returns a Toast. Don't Forget to Call .show()

To display an Info Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Info Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.INFO, true).show();

To display a Warning Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Warning Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.WARN, true).show();

To display an Error Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Error Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.ERROR, true).show();

To display a Success Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Success Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.SUCCESS, true).show();

To display a Happy Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Happy Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.HAPPY, true).show();

To display a Sad Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Sad Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.SAD, true).show();

To display a Confuse Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Confuse Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.CONFUSE, true).show();

To display a Delete Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Delete Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.DELETE, true).show();

To display a Save Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Save Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.SAVE, true).show();

To display a Normal Toast:

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Normal Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.NORMAL, true).show();

If you don't want the Icons:

Replace true to false at the end of the statment.

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Info Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.INFO, false).show();
       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Error Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.ERROR, false).show();

and same for the other types too.

Or Just Remove the last boolean part

       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Info Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.INFO).show();
       CuteToast.ct(this, "This is a Error Toast", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.ERROR).show();

If you want to use Custom Icons:

        CuteToast.ct(this, "This is an Info Toast with Custom Star Icon", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.INFO, R.drawable.ic_star).show();
        CuteToast.ct(this, "This is an Error Toast with Custom Danger Icon", CuteToast.LENGTH_SHORT, CuteToast.ERROR, R.drawable.danger_ic).show();
