
A library ( V2 ) for cross promoting own apps within own apps - for Android.


Banner Ad

Interstitial ad:

How to use:


  • Initialize
  • Show ads


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Add the dependency

dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.p32929:HouseAds2:'

Code Example:


If you just want to show interstitial ads , initialize like this:

HouseAds houseAds = new HouseAds(this,

If you want to show both interstitial ads and banner ads, initialize like this:

HouseAds houseAds = new HouseAds(this,

To show interstitial ad on back press:


The banner ad will be added on the json data load.

The JSON data should be like this:

		"appIcon": "",
		"appName": "Sleepy - Phone Addiction Controller",
		"appDescription": "The smartest app to reduce phone addiction",
		"url": ""
		"appIcon": "",
		"appName": "Best CGPA Calculator",
		"appDescription": "Best CGPA Calculator app for Android",
		"url": ""
		"appIcon": "",
		"appName": "Buy Sell BD",
		"appDescription": "Buy-Sell everything easily in Bangladesh",
		"url": ""
		"appIcon": "",
		"appName": "Desplash",
		"appDescription": "Beautiful automatic wallpapers from Unsplash",
		"url": ""
		"appIcon": "",
		"appName": "The Great Postman",
		"appDescription": "Best REST API Client for Android",
		"url": ""
		"appIcon": "",
		"appName": "ExIn",
		"appDescription": "A very simple Income-Expense tracker",
		"url": ""

Check the app example in the project. Hope, you will enjoy using the library :)
