
A highlight & guide library for android.

Support use in:

  • Android native layout(Such as RelativeLayout, FragmentLayout)
  • RecyclerView & ListView & GridView & ScrollView
  • ViewPager
  • Dialog
  • Fragment


  • One or more highlighted views can be displayed at one time
  • Customizing the paint for highlighting the view
  • Customize the shape of the highlighted view and the size of the shape
  • Customized tip view display animation
  • Custom relative position of the tip view
  • Chained display code, simple to use









Add it in your app build.gradle at the end of repositories:

dependencies {
    implementation 'me.samlss:lighter:1.0.2'




You can specify that the highlighted root view is attached to the activity or viewgroup,

you can use the below code to specify:

Lighter with(Activity activity) //will use activity.getWindow().getDecorView as the root view, so it will display in full screen 
Lighter with(ViewGroup rootView) //will use the 'rootView' as the root view

Complete call:

                .addHighlight(new LighterParameter.Builder()
                                .setLighterShape(new RectShape(5, 5, 30))
                                .setTipViewRelativeOffset(new MarginOffset(150, 0, 30, 0))
                .addHighlight(new LighterParameter.Builder()
                        .setLighterShape(new RectShape(5, 5, 30))
                        .setTipViewRelativeOffset(new MarginOffset(-400, 0, 0, 30))

When you need to display multiple highlight views at once, call addHighlight(LighterParameter...lighterParameters)

                        //Show two at a time
                        new LighterParameter.Builder()
                                .setLighterShape(new RectShape(5, 5, 30))
                                .setTipViewRelativeOffset(new MarginOffset(150, 0, 30, 0))

                        new LighterParameter.Builder()
                                .setLighterShape(new RectShape(5, 5, 30))
                                .setTipViewRelativeOffset(new MarginOffset(-400, 0, 0, 30))

About LighterParameter.Builder

Method Description
setHighlightedViewId Set id the highlighted view
setHighlightedView Set the highlighted view
setTipLayoutId Set the layout id of the tip layout
setTipView Set the tip view
setLighterShape Set the shape of the wrapped highlight view
setShapeXOffset Set the x-axis offset of the shape rect
setShapeYOffset Set the y-axis offset of the shape rect
setTipViewRelativeDirection Set the direction of the tip view relative to the highlighted view
setTipViewRelativeOffset Set the offset of the tip view's margin relative to the highlighted view
setTipViewDisplayAnimation Set animation of the tip view when display
build To create a LighterParameter object
  • setHighlightedViewId & setHighlightedView
  • setTipLayoutId & setTipView

For the above two methods, you only need to use one. If you don't use it, an exception will be throwing.

About Shape

Shape Description
Rect A rectangular shape with rounded corners and blur radius
Circle A circle shape with blur radius
Oval A oval shape with blur radius
ShapeXOffset & ShapeYOffset

Refer to the below picture :


About parameter of TipView


Refer to the below picture :



When you specify a direction(the default is left), the offset distance will be based on the direction you specify.


Left: The values of topMargin & rightMargin will take effect

Right: The values of topMargin & leftMargin will take effect

Top: If the highlighted view is on the left side of the screen, the values of leftMargin & bottomMargin will take effect. Otherwise, the values of rightMargin & bottomMargin will take effect.

Bottom: If the highlighted view is on the left side of the screen, the values of leftMargin & topMargin will take effect. Otherwise, the values of rightMargin & topMargin will take effect.


You can set any animation for the tip view.
