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SuperWebView is a ready-to-use WebView template to create an Android app from your own website with minimal customizations required.


  • Support Android 5.0+
  • Show error page in times of connectivity issues.
  • Swipe down to refresh current webpage.
  • Protect WebView’s state from configuration changes. (e.g. screen orientation and keyboard availability changes)


  1. Click the Code button, which brings up a dialog.
  2. In the dialog, click the Download ZIP button to save the project to your computer. Wait for the download to complete.
  3. Locate the file on your computer (likely in the Downloads folder).
  4. Double-click the ZIP file to unpack it. This creates a new folder that contains the project files.
  5. Start Android Studio.
  6. In the Welcome to Android Studio window, click Open an existing Android Studio project.
  7. In the Import Project dialog, navigate to where the unzipped project folder is located.
  8. Double-click on that project folder.
  9. Wait for Android Studio to open the project.
  10. Click the Make Project button to build the app.


  1. In MainActivity.kt, put your own website URL as the value of WEBSITE constant.
  2. Replace default app icons with your own.

Optional: Change the value of javaScriptEnabled to false in MainActivity.kt if your website doesn’t contain any JavaScript elements.


Filester is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.


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