
First, PrimeDatePicker is a date picker tool which provides picking a single day in addition to a range of days. Second, you can use its MonthView and CalendarView as stand-alone views in your projects.

Pick a Single Day Pick a Range of Days Fling Orientations
picking_single picking_range fling_orientations


PrimeDatePicker is available on bintray to download using build tools systems. Add the following lines to your build.gradle file:

repositories {
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.aminography:primedatepicker:1.0.5'


To use PrimeDatePickerBottomSheet, simply use below snippet:


val datePicker = PrimeDatePickerBottomSheet.newInstance(
            pickedSingleDayCalendar, // can be null
            pickedRangeStartCalendar, // can be null
            pickedRangeEndCalendar, // can be null
            minDateCalendar, // can be null
            maxDateCalendar, // can be null
            typefacePath // can be null

datePicker.setOnDateSetListener(object : PrimeDatePickerBottomSheet.OnDayPickedListener {

    override fun onSingleDayPicked(singleDay: PrimeCalendar) {
        // TODO

    override fun onRangeDaysPicked(startDay: PrimeCalendar, endDay: PrimeCalendar) {
        // TODO


PrimeDatePickerBottomSheet datePicker = PrimeDatePickerBottomSheet.newInstance(
        currentDateCalendar, // for example: new PersianCalendar()
        pickType // for example: PickType.SINGLE

datePicker.setOnDateSetListener(new PrimeDatePickerBottomSheet.OnDayPickedListener() {

    public void onSingleDayPicked(@NotNull PrimeCalendar singleDay) {
        // TODO

    public void onRangeDaysPicked(@NotNull PrimeCalendar startDay, @NotNull PrimeCalendar endDay) {
        // TODO

Stand-Alone Views

In addition to use PrimeDatePicker as a date picker tool, it is possible to employ stand-alone views in your project.
They are PrimeMonthView & PrimeCalendarView which can be used in layout xml files or instantiated programmatically.
For example:


    android:padding="16dp" />


val monthView = PrimeMonthView(context)

1. XML Attributes

Applying customization has been provided for PrimeMonthView and PrimeCalendarView by using xml attributes as well as setting them programmatically.
For example:


    app:pickedDayCircleColor="#0000FF" />


calendarView.pickedDayCircleColor = Color.BLUE

1.1. Common attributes for PrimeMonthView & PrimeCalendarView:

Attribute Type
• calendarType enum
Specifies the calendar type which is shown by this view. Its possible values are: civil, persian, hijri.
• monthLabelTextColor color
Specifies the text color of month name label.
• weekLabelTextColor color
Specifies the text color of week day name labels.
• dayLabelTextColor color
Specifies the text color of day number labels.
• todayLabelTextColor color
Specifies the text color of day number label which belongs to today.
• pickedDayLabelTextColor color
Specifies the text color of day number labels when they are picked.
• pickedDayCircleColor color
Specifies the background color of day numbers when they are picked.
• disabledDayLabelTextColor color
Specifies the text color of day number labels when they are disabled.
• monthLabelTextSize dimension
Specifies the text size of month name label.
• weekLabelTextSize dimension
Specifies the text size of week day name labels.
• dayLabelTextSize dimension
Specifies the text size of day number labels.
• monthLabelTopPadding dimension
Specifies the top padding of month name label.
• monthLabelBottomPadding dimension
Specifies the bottom padding of month name label.
• weekLabelTopPadding dimension
Specifies the top padding of week day name labels.
• weekLabelBottomPadding dimension
Specifies the bottom padding of week day name labels.
• dayLabelVerticalPadding dimension
Specifies the vertical padding (top and bottom) of day number labels.
• showTwoWeeksInLandscape boolean
When it sets true, month view shows two weeks (14 days) in each row for landscape screen orientation.

1.2. PrimeCalendarView Specific Attributes:

Attribute Type
• flingOrientation enum
Specifies the fling orientation of calendar view. Its possible values are: vertical, horizontal.
• dividerColor color
Specifies the color of divider lines separating month views.
• dividerThickness dimension
Specifies the thickness of divider lines separating month views.
• dividerInsetLeft dimension
Specifies the left margin of divider lines when the fling orientation is vertical.
• dividerInsetRight dimension
Specifies the right margin of divider lines when the fling orientation is vertical.
• dividerInsetTop dimension
Specifies the top margin of divider lines when the fling orientation is horizontal.
• dividerInsetBottom dimension
Specifies the bottom margin of divider lines when the fling orientation is horizontal.
• loadFactor integer
Specifies the number of month to be load in pagination.
• maxTransitionLength integer
Specifies the maximum number of month that are shown between current and target in transitions. It's used when goto method has called.
• transitionSpeedFactor float
Specifies the speed factor of scrolling in transitions. It's used when goto method has called.

2. Other Variables (Common for PrimeMonthView & PrimeCalendarView)

These variables are only accessible programmatically to get or set. (Available by getter and setter methods in java)

Variable Type
• typeface Typeface
Specifies the typeface of showing texts.
• pickedSingleDayCalendar PrimeCalendar
Specifies the single picked date.
• pickedRangeStartCalendar PrimeCalendar
Specifies the start date of the picked range.
• pickedRangeEndCalendar PrimeCalendar
Specifies the end date of the picked range.
• minDateCalendar PrimeCalendar
Specifies the minimum feasible date of the view.
• maxDateCalendar PrimeCalendar
Specifies the maximum feasible date of the view.
• pickType PickType
Specifies the date picking type of the view. Its possible values are: SINGLE, RANGE_START, RANGE_END, NOTHING.

3. Listener (Common for PrimeMonthView & PrimeCalendarView)

You can listen to day picking actions by setting an instance of OnDayPickedListener to the views.
For example:

monthView.onDayPickedListener = object : OnDayPickedListener {

    override fun onDayPicked(pickType: PickType, 
                             singleDay: PrimeCalendar?, 
                             startDay: PrimeCalendar?, 
                             endDay: PrimeCalendar?) {
        // TODO


PrimeMonthView and PrimeCalendarView (consequently PrimeDatePickerBottomSheet) have been implemented with localization capabilities.
By choosing locale for the PrimeCalendar instance which is passed to goto method, or by setting it directly to the views, you can localize names, digits, and layout direction.

Localization example for PrimeMonthView using PersianCalendar:

// or
monthView.locale = Locale("fa")
// or
monthView.locale = Locale.ENGLISH

Localization example for PrimeCalendarView using HijriCalendar:

// or
calendarView.locale = Locale("ar")
// or
calendarView.locale = Locale.ENGLISH

Customizing Texts in Date Picker Bottom Sheet

If you want to change the texts of the date picker bottom sheet, define some strings in your project's strings.xml with equal name defined in the library's strings.xml, to override them.
