
An OTP Box implementation for case when a single digit should be entered Individually.





Installation in your Project

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.aabhasr1:OtpView:<latest version>'

How to use the library?

Just add the following to your xml design to show the otpview


To get a callback when the user enters the otp make use of OTPListener Interface

private OtpTextView otpTextView;
otpTextView = findViewById(R.id.otp_view);
otpTextView.setOtpListener(new OTPListener() {
	public void onInteractionListener() {
	// fired when user types something in the Otpbox
	public void onOTPComplete(String otp) {
	// fired when user has entered the OTP fully.
	    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "The OTP is " + otp,  Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

you also get some additional methods like :

otpTextView.getOtpListener();  // retrieves the current OTPListener (null if nothing is set)
otpTextView.requestFocusOTP();	//sets the focus to OTP box (does not open the keyboard)
otpTextView.setOTP(otpString);	// sets the entered otpString in the Otp box (for case when otp is retreived from SMS)
otpTextView.getOTP();	// retrieves the OTP entered by user (works for partial otp input too)
otpTextView.showSuccess();	// shows the success state to the user (can be set a bar color or drawable)
otpTextView.showError();	// shows the success state to the user (can be set a bar color or drawable)
otpTextView.resetState();	// brings the views back to default state (the state it was at input)

Thats all for now but new additions will be made frequently.

OtpView Attributes

Attribute Use
android:textColor sets the color of the otp text
app:otp sets the otp in the otp view
app:length sets the no of otp box in the otp view
app:otp_text_size sets the otp text size in the otp view
app:text_typeface sets the otp text typeface in the otp view
app:hide_otp sets if the otp entered is to be shown to the user
app:hide_otp_drawable replaces the pin bullet which is shown to the user when hide_otp is enabled
app:height sets the height of each box inside the otp view
app:width sets the width of each box inside the otp view
app:box_margin sets the space between each box in otp view
app:box_margin_left sets the left space between each box in otp view
app:box_margin_right sets the right space between each box in otp view
app:box_margin_top sets the top space of each box in otp view
app:box_margin_bottom sets the bottom space of each box in otp view
app:bar_enabled shows a bar below each otp box to the user
app:bar_height sets the bar height
app:bar_margin sets the bar margin within each box in otp view
app:bar_margin_left sets the bar left margin within each box in otp view
app:bar_margin_right sets the bar right margin within each box in otp view
app:bar_margin_top sets the bar top margin within each box in otp view
app:bar_margin_bottom sets the bar bottom margin within each box in otp view
app:bar_active_color sets the bar color when the cursor is on the box in otp view
app:bar_inactive_color sets the bar color when the cursor is not on the box in otp view
app:bar_error_color sets the bar color for error state in otp view
app:bar_success_color sets the bar color for success state in otp view
app:otp_box_background sets the box background in otp view
app:otp_box_background_active sets the box background when the cursor is on the box in otp view
app:otp_box_background_inactive sets the box background when the cursor is not on the box in otp view
app:otp_box_background_error sets the box background for error state in otp view
app:otp_box_background_success sets the box background for success state in otp view
