A convenient library to show a shimmer effect while loading data. Easily convert your current view with a slick skeleton loading animation just by wrapping your view.
Using JitPack, you’ll need to add to your repositories
maven { url '' }
Then add the dependency:
implementation 'com.github.JustinGuedes:redactable-android:0.1.0'
Firstly, ensure your data class has a way to return a placeholder version of the class, i.e. dummy data so the library can show a redacted version of the view:
data class Object(...) {
companion object {
val placeholder: Object
get() = Object(...) // Dummy data
Secondly, create a loadable property which allows you to control the state of the loading view:
private var _loadable = MutableStateFlow<Loadable<Object>>(Object.placeholder)
val loadable = _loadable.asStateFlow()
NOTE: The possible values for
are:Loading(Object), Loaded(Object), error(Error)
Lastly, wrap your composable in a LoadableView
val loadable = viewModel.loadable.collectAsState()
LoadableView(loadable.value) { data ->
// Use data
Redactable is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.