MartaKli is a command line tool to help you generate your NFT pfp project.

Current features:

  • Generate batch of images using different layers and corresponding metadata
  • Merge different directories of images/metadata into one

Getting started


The command line tool can be configured with a config.json file.

{ "layers": { "Background": "assets/Background", "Body": "assets/Body", "Head": "assets/Head" }, "resolution": { "width" : 1800, "height" : 1800 }, "metadata": { "namePrefix": "Name #", "description": "My super NFT project" } }

  • layers represents the different layers your image will be generated with. In this example Background will be the first layers and will user image files located in assets/Background. In the metadata, the corresponding property name will be Background. Layers are ordered following the JSON order.
  • resolution represents the generated image resolution
  • metadata
    • namePrefix is the prefix that will be added in the property name of the metadata. In this example, the image with tokenId 2 will have a name property with the value Name #2.
    • description is the description property value in the metadata.


./martakli gen --output batch1 --amount 100

Will generate 100 images and their metadata in the batch1 directory


./martakli merge batch1 batch2 batch3

Will merge all images within the folders batch1 batch2 and batch3 into one folder. Token IDs are updated accordingly.


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