Test app to retrieve the spaceX Info based on the Rest API.
- S.O.L.I.D Design principle
- MVVM Pattern
- Retrofit with Coroutines
- Clean code architecture
- Used Extensions
- Display minimal information, I have used to display
mission name
,launch status
to display the info on loading of app. - Didn’t define the whole POJO for the json data, As I have selectively choosed to keep the model simple and its only for this usecase.
- Launch detail – used the Toast to display the detail info to keep it simple and save time
- Kept minimal model info from OneLaunch and OneRocket.
- Used ExpandableListView as to achieve grouping UI.
Android doesn't have inhouse ExpandableRecyclerView
. I might have used a library ( such as Groupie) to achieve that. But Since Functionality takes priority than how to display the info and also wanted to avoid 3rd party libs for this exercise. so completed with ExpandableListView. Definitely in project, would have used groupie library (
Happy coding ?