Kotlin command-line native tool template

This template allows you to quickly build command-line tool using Kotlin , Clikt and build a native binary for your system.

It’s using Kotlin JVM (not Kotlin Native) so you can use all those sweet Java libraries.


  • download and unpack GraalVM from their Github’s releases site: https://github.com/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases (You don’t need to replace your current JDK if you have one).
  • run <graalvm_dir>/Home/bin/gu install native-image to download native-image tool
  • in pom.xml set kotlin.compiler.jvmTarget and graalvm.version according to which GraalVM version you’ve downloaded

Now choose whether you want to build it only in your IDE or from your command-line:

IDE-only build setup

  • set the GraalVM as JDK in your IDE
  • setup Maven in your IDE if it’s not working out-of-the-box
  • run Maven’s clean package and make sure the IDE runs it with GraalVM

CLI setup

  • set GRAALVM_HOME environment variable to Home directory inside the unpacked GraalVM
  • install Maven if you don’t have it and make sure it’s on PATH
  • make sure Maven uses GraalVM JDK by running mvn -v
  • run build.sh in this project’s parent directory

Build output

In both scenarios the native binary for the current system is generated in the /target directory. The name of the binary is the same as maven’s project name set in pom.xml.

Run it like any other native binary: ./target/kt-example

