Task Simple mobile application that connect with Movie Database (TMDB) API Simple mobile application that connect with Movie Database (TMDB) API 10 October 2022
Movie Android app that displays movies from TMDB API Android app that displays movies from TMDB API 21 September 2022
TMDB TMDB is an application that provides information on movies and tv shows for everyone TMDB is an application that provides information on movies and tv shows for everyone 20 July 2022
Movie Android application Tv&Movie that uses TMDB API Android application Tv&Movie that uses TMDB API 11 February 2022
Apps Movie Library - An android application which uses tmdb API to fetch the data for various movies and TV Shows Movie Library - An android application which uses tmdb API to fetch the data for various movies and TV Shows 19 January 2022
TMDB Learning about architecture with implement TMDB Restful API Learning about architecture with implement TMDB Restful API 14 December 2021
Movie A Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication A Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication 05 December 2021
Movie A TMDB app to show list of popular movies A TMDB app to show list of popular movies 23 November 2021
Movie A movies surfing android application developed by consuming The Movie Database API that displays a list of upcoming A movies surfing android application developed by consuming The Movie Database API that displays a list of upcoming 13 November 2021
Kotlin A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api 10 November 2021
Apps App uses the TMDB in order to provide a list of movies, artists and TV shows App uses the TMDB in order to provide a list of movies, artists and TV shows 05 November 2021
Movie A gorgeous client application for TMDb on Android built using Kotlin A gorgeous client application for TMDb on Android built using Kotlin 14 September 2021