Expandable Android Compose Expandable/Foldable Box Library Android Compose Expandable/Foldable Box Library 06 June 2023
ListView Smooth animation with Expandable Listview Smooth animation with Expandable Listview 08 February 2023
Games A simple app that displays gaming stats (Hard coded), on an Expandable Recyclerview A simple app that displays gaming stats (Hard coded), on an Expandable Recyclerview. 23 May 2022
Layout An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator. 30 September 2019
Expandable ExpandableLayout use ConstraintSet for animate the state changing An ExpandableLayout for Android (Api 16+) written in Kotlin. 30 November 2018
Layout Android layout which supports expanding and collapsing child views An Android layout class that supports animating the expansion and collapse of its child views. 26 May 2018