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Library for recovering stack trace in exceptions thrown in Kotlin coroutines.

Supports JVM(not Android) versions 1.8 or higher.

To enable it you should call method DocoroutinatorRuntime.enableDecoroutinatorRuntime() before creating any coroutine.

Usage example:

import dev.reformator.stacktracedecoroutinator.util.DocoroutinatorRuntime
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking

suspend fun rec(depth: Int) {
    if (depth == 0) {
        throw Exception("exception in ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
    rec(depth - 1)

fun main() {
    DocoroutinatorRuntime().enableDecoroutinatorRuntime() // enable stacktrace-decoroutinator runtime

    try {
        runBlocking {
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        e.printStackTrace() // print full stack trace with 10 recursive calls

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