Native Application written purely in Kotlin that provides curated quotes from Indian Movies
What is Quotely India ?
Quotely India is like your very own personal Quote Book with all your favourite quotes from Indian Movies curated from your friendly neighbourhood Internet.
There are more than 10,000+ quotes from Indian Movies further divided into different categories
We have divided these quotes in two sections
- Text Quotes
- Quote Cards
these sections are further divided into different categories making it easier for you to find right quotes at the right time
Like, Share & Download Quotes
You can like, and create a collection of all your Favourite Quotes
You can also share these quotes with your friends
Notification’s & Quote Widget
We have a quote highlight section in the app, where we feature a new quote from time to time.
You get a notification of the featured quote everytime it changes.
You can add our widget to home screen which would display the featured quote and what movie it is from
Clean and Easy to Use Design
All the above and an eye-pleasing visual experience with clean and easy to use material designed user interface