MorfiTime (Local)
MorfiTime (Local) is an app that manages reservations at gastronomic establishments.
Using MorfiTime (Local) you will be able to manage all the reservations made in your local.
How does the app work?
Once you have an admin account, you can start receiving reservations that people make and then confirm, modify and/or reject them based on the available tables at your place.
When people book at your place, you will receive a notification with all the details of the reservation, as well as when they cancel them in case they cannot attend the place.
Benefits of downloading the app
- You will have all the reservations made by people in one place.
- You will be able to manage each sector of your place that appear at the time of booking, as well as modify the data of them at any time.
- You will be able to reserve in a practical and fast way when people arrive at your place who have not previously made a reservation.
- You will also be able to modify the reservations, in case more or less people have attended to your local.
Technologies implemented
- Kotlin
- MVVM + Clean Architecture
- Coroutines + Flow
- StateFlow
- Dagger Hilt
- Retrofit
- Room
- Firebase Auth, Database, Storage, Cloud Messaging, Analytics and Crashlytics
- Google Maps
- ViewBinding
- Navigation Component
- RecyclerView
- ConcatAdapter
- Notifications
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to send us an email at [email protected].
You can also find us at and Instagram (@morfitime).